I have sent this list of eight corrections I have found to date to the author, Sean Carroll. There is one extra (p.148) which I only found by peeking at a reprint of the question.
Chapter 1
p.24 just before equation (1.68) it reads "There is also
the Levi-Civita symbol a (0,4) tensor." Surely it is not a tensor.
Chapter 2
p. 80 Equation (2.64) should be λ = -cot-1 t (https://www.general-relativity.net/2018/12/commentary-27-causality.html
part 2)
p.81 Figure 2.26 fig 2.26 shows a singularity at a point p
and the text discusses a point p that is in the future of the singularity. (https://www.general-relativity.net/2018/12/commentary-27-causality.html
part 2)
Possible error
p. 82 Equation (2.66) could be much simpler if μ'1 μ'2 ...μ'n = 01...(n-1). (It's more streamlined.)
This is trued but if the simplified for was given, the next equation would not work! (GK)
This is trued but if the simplified for was given, the next equation would not work! (GK)
Chapter 3
p.96 equation (3.10) for the connection transformation law. The
+ sign should be -. (https://www.general-relativity.net/2019/03/the-christoffel-symbol.html)
Possible error
p.99 definition of torsion-free (connection symmetric in lower
indices) given as Γλμν
= Γλ(μν). Surely Γλμν = Γλνμ.
would be clearer? (https://www.general-relativity.net/2019/03/the-christoffel-symbol.html)
Exercise 6(a) should end "Which clock ticks faster?" I picked this up from
p. 427 equation (A.11) ϕ is used to mean two different
things: a map and a polar coordinate. (https://www.general-relativity.net/2018/09/commentary-on-appendix-mapping-s2-and-r3.html)
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