Friday, 2 July 2021

2.5 Differential forms

Vector ##U## (solid) and
1-form ##\widetilde{U}## (dashed)
In section 2.5 of Misner, Thorne, Wheeler 'differential forms' or '1-forms' are introduced and there is soon a fairly elaborate recipe for constructing 1-forms ##\widetilde{U}## from a vector ##U##. I reproduce it below. I tried out the recipe on some of the sample vectors shown and it seemed to work. A one form ##\widetilde{U}## is shown as a set of planes, whose spacing is defined, and which have a positive sense, or direction, as shown by a dashed arrow (which is not a vector). It would seem that you could equally well show the 1-form by a dashed arrow perpendicular (in the Euclidean sense) to the planes whose direction and length would show the positive sense and the spacing of the planes of ##\widetilde{U}##. You can. And I implemented it in a spreadsheet and made the amusing gif on the right. Then I saw the joke.

The recipe

Figure 2.7. Several vectors, ##A,B,C,D,E##, and corresponding 1-forms ##\widetilde{A},\widetilde{B},\widetilde{C},\widetilde{D},\widetilde{E}##. The process of drawing ##\widetilde{U}## corresponding to a given vector ##U## is quite simple. 1) Orient the surfaces of ##\widetilde{U}## orthogonal to the vector ##U## . (Why? Because any vector ##V## that is perpendicular to ##U## must pierce no surfaces of ##\widetilde{U}## (##0=U\bullet V=U,V##) and must therefore lie in a surface of ##\widetilde{U}##.) 2) Space the surfaces of  ##\widetilde{U}## so the number of surfaces pierced by some arbitrary vector ##Y## (e.g., ##Y=U##) is equal to ##Y\bullet U##.

Note that in the figure the surfaces of ##\widetilde{B}## are, indeed, orthogonal to ##B##; those of ##\widetilde{C}## are, indeed, orthogonal to ##C##, etc. If they do not look so, that is because the reader is attributing Euclidean geometry, not Lorentz geometry, to the spacetime diagram. He should recall, for example, that because ##C## is a null vector, it is orthogonal to itself (##C\bullet C=0##), so it must itself lie in a surface of the 1-form  ##\widetilde{C}##. Confused readers may review spacetime diagrams in a more elementary text, e.g., Taylor and Wheeler (1966)."

Read it here, including punchline: 2.5 Differential forms.pdf. (6 pages)

1 comment:

  1. I discovered a new simple time formula. As it is known, every simple
    physics formula explains a law of nature. My formula says, ‘In a
    physical event there is always as much time as the energy amount. That
    is, “The more energy there is, the more time there is.'’ And vice
    versa. Please can you evaluate my website and
    articles? my website and three articles,

    Special Relativity Theory (SRT) equations revealed that mass and time are
    t / t' = m / m'

    My 'Timeflow'='Time'/'Energy' Formula makes a small but important
    contribution to this. It expresses that the relation of mass to time is equal
    to the amount of mc2 energy of the mass, which is 9x10'16 s or
    2,851,927,903.26... years for 1 kg of mass outside the gravitational fields.
    Very small free particles in space must be observed by organizations such as
    NASA or ESA, only then my proposal will be verified.

    In addition,The flow of the thought energy intensity in our brain is
    body pain, unhappiness and boredom, joy, happiness and love,
    sleep, and finally death, respectively, from high energy to low
    energy. At the moment
    to sleep, if we had a good sleep, our thought energy is very close to
    zero or zero. When the energy flow intensity increases in our brain,
    according to the 'Timeflow Formula (Timeflow=Time/Energy). The
    timeflow will slow down. As the energy density (power) decreases, the
    timeflow will accelerate. In the case of sleep and death, the timeflow
    will be infinite. The timeflow formula explains very clearly and
    simply that this situation, which is perceived as psychological time
    is actually a purely physical event. I think it would be very useful
    for psychology experts to evaluate the 'Timeflow' Formula and the
    philosophical interpretation of the formula.
